
Who is actually the enemy?

I was suprised today to find out in a newspaper's article that back in 1980, Saddam Hussein was presented with the key of the city of Detroit by pastor Jacob Yasso. Ok, I did know that US and Saddam used to be friends once upon a time. Although, I'm only 23; I never had the opportunity to discover all the domains of this relationship.

Saddam was sentenced to death two weeks ago for crimes against humanity. Ok again, I don't like politics but how can someone stay idle after listening to the world's news? At the end, I think again. Is it worth trying to shout or is it better to stay silent and look your own business...?

In the same article, Greek people where mentioned as the most anti-American nation of the world (withouth taking into account nations from the middle-east area). Easy to be an anti-American when bombs are falling down thousands of miles away from your garden. Isn't it?

Enough with the politics!

More photos from the party are going to be up soon. So, hold your breaths. Today it's Saturday. Well, I've given my self some time off the last couple of days. Why not today? But only after 8 p.m. Any party on the run?

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